The planning tool for you as a Budget responsible manager
Shorten the time you spend on planning. Gain greater peace of mind. And translate the company's strategy into concrete activities in your department. With Effectplan, you have the entire planning process packaged into a single system. You create a more efficient department through consistent planning and the ability to reuse previous plans.
- Complete control over the planning process
- Analyze how production, price changes, or potential sales impact the results
- See how your daily activities affect financial results and the accuracy of the financial statements
- Confidence in knowing that the entire planning process is centrally monitored
- Achieve quality in planning and the process without creating stress
- Collaboration and teamwork throughout the organization
- Gain financial controls and monitor deviations
- Streamline processes for operational and operational management with full transparency.
Get started right away
With Effectplan, there's no need for a user manual. Effectplan is designed for you as a user and is easy to work with. At the same time, the system contains advanced features that simplify and streamline your operations.
Joy and efficiency - every day
Effectplan is a leading financial software that automates and simplifies planning and analysis through consolidation, reporting, and disclosure. The result is a shared strategy that makes your business feel, drive, and achieve defined goals
Basis for a shared strategy
With Effectplan, you can use a unified and common strategy to run and manage many business processes. Why not leverage drivers that your business is familiar with? If you work with key metrics, such as occupancy per hour/day or prices per square meter, you don't need to register amounts; you can simply register quantities